Relocation Information

Have a Pet? Read below for tips on making the move easier on both of you!

Your home is sold and now you need to look Pal in the eyes and rip his bed right out from under him!  How do you do it?

Obviously pets don’t speak English, but to think they don’t “know” what is going on is niave.  From the moment you started that deep cleaning that goes with an impending move, their eyes and ears are tuned in to you!  Every bag of trash, every box that gets sealed, that rip of the tape, it all adds up to one thing to your pet…change.  You may have noticed them acting out about all the strangers walking into their territory.  Most people note that their pets “reverted back to childhood” or that they started “getting in the way”.  Rest assured, once you are moved and settled, they should start to act normally again.


Here are some tips to make your move more understandable for your beloved pets.


  • If your dog or cat is not used to traveling in the car, start taking them on short trips.  You can teach them how to travel to prepare them for the journey ahead, and they love spending extra time with you!
  • Take your dogs and cats for walks; this will get them accustomed to traveling outside and yes, more time with you.
  • If your trip will require stopping overnight, plan ahead and look for animal friendly hotels.  Some charge extra, but they should be able to stay in your room with you.
  • You will need to pack a “Doggie Bag”, not for just food anymore.  It should include all the copies of current vaccinations (especially rabies) and their ID tag.  It should also have food and water dishes, an extra leash, a crate for sleeping, treats (if used), some favorite toys, a scooper and baggies to clean up after your pet, and some cleaner and paper towels in case there is an accident.
  • If you plan to travel by air, you will need to follow the above instructions, but also be aware that only certain airlines fly pets.  There will be an extra charge for sure, and in addition, know that large dogs or cats (usually over 15 lbs) may not be permitted on any flight anywhere but the cargo area.  This can be extremely stressful for them, so your vet may choose to prescribe a sedative.  You need to allow the needed extra time AND you will need to call the hotline for “restrictions and requirements” to get the full scoop!
  • Food should be eliminated about 5-6 hrs before the flight.  Water should be elimated about 2 hrs before.
  • Don’t forget to clearly mark your pet and crate with all your information should anything delay your pick-up.


Once you have arrived at your new destination, you can begin the normal routine again.   Keeping your pet free of the moving day hustle and craziness can be most helpful for your pet, not to mention take some pressure off of you.  Your pet has just formed a closer identity in the family because they actually went with you.  Start off right to make things easier for everyone!


·       Try not to disrupt your pets everyday routine, maybe a friend or neighbor can take them for a day.  It is difficult to move furniture while Rover is barking at everyone or running wild through the neighborhood.

·       Unpack a little and settle in a bit before turning your pet loose in the new house.  Keep doors to extra rooms closed until they have a chance to get accustomed to them.  A big, new world is frightening to them.

·       During transitions from old home to new, pets frequently escape or become stressed.  Keep as much of their routine the same as possible.  Show them their food dishes, beds, and potty places.

·       Over time, allow them more access to the home.  They have a very keen set of senses that are working overtime, especially during changes.  Let them adjust slowly to regain trust and comfort in their new home.

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